Daniele Funaro



Profilo di Daniele

Daniele Funaro is an expert in Bain's Financial Services practice.

With more than 20 years of financial services and management consulting experience, Daniele has worked extensively across wealth & asset management, retail and corporate banking. He focuses on advising major EMEA financial institutions on strategy review, turnarounds, business unit transformation and post-merger integration.

Daniele has particularly deep expertise in business model redesign, commercial end-to-end process optimization and business performance improvement. Within the finance and risk space, he also advises clients on strategic planning and active balance sheets, as well risk and capital management.

Prior to joining Bain in 2004, Daniele worked in the investment banking industry, with an emphasis upon corporate finance. He also worked for another management consulting firm.

Daniele graduated with an honors degree in finance from the University of Florence.

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